Sports nutrition brand Vplab is a new partner of the European North Basketball league.
VPlab was founded in 2006 and offers an industry leading sports nutrition.
It`s a family of brands, including: Vplab vitamins and proteins, VP Laboratory and UltraVit.
"We are thrilled to collaborate with the European North Basketball League, our priority aligns with theirs—to elevate performance to the highest level. Proud to support professional men's clubs across Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe with Vplab's high-quality, safe and effective sport nutrition for even greater achievements," says Vplab Director of Business Development Edgars Krūmiņš.
“There is a famous quote by Jack LaLanne. Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you`ve got a kingdom. We are happy to start our partnership with Vplab,” adds Edgars Zanders, Secretary General of the ENBL.
From now on, the best player in each game will be recognized as the Vplab Player of the game.
Learn more about Vplab and visit a sports nutrition shop at https://vplab.com/ .