The Tough Calls are sponsored by Fiziocentrs – a well known physiotherapy clinic in Latvia.
1. White team offense, White 2 receives a ball, and is guarded by Black 32. White 2 starts to move and referees call a travel violation.
FIBA OBRI 25.1.1. Traveling is the illegal movement with one or both feets beyond the limits outlined in this article, in any direction, while holding the ball on the playing court.
Establishing a pivot foot by a player who catches the ball on the playing court:
A player who catches the ball while standing with both feets on the floor:
The moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot.
To start a dribble, the pivot foot may not be lifted before the ball is released from the hand(s).
Outcome: correct decision from the referees. White 2 establishing left foot is a pivot foot. Before to start a dribble, he lifted a pivot foot- travel violation.
2. On Black team`s offense, a player from the White team has touched the ball and went into the back court of the Black team, where Black 31 first caught the ball in a legal play. After he lost the ball, White 2 stole it and run to the basket getting into contact with a defender, Black 31. Contact was observed from the side and Black 31 has tried to stop the fast break with both hands. Between a White 2 and basket there were no other players. Referee calls an unsportsmanlike foul.
FIBA OBRI 37.1.1 Unsportsmanlike foul
Definition: An unsportsmanlike foul is a player contact which, in the judgement of a referee is:
(C4) An illegal contact caused by the player from behind or laterally on an opponent, who is progressing towards the opponent’s basket and there are no other players between the progressing player, the ball and the basket. This applies until the offensive player begins his act of shooting.
Outcome: correct decision from the referees. When Black 31 made illegal contact with White 2, there were no other players between White 2 and the basket. Correct decision- Black 31 foul is an unsportsmanlike foul by C4 criteria- a last player between the progressing player, the ball and the basket.
3. Black 3 drives to the basket, makes a shot while moving. After he releases the ball, contact occurs between him and defender, White 15. Shot was successful and the game continues without a stop.
FIBA OBRI 15.1.2. The act of shooting on a shot:
Begins when the player starts, in the judgement of a referee, to move the ball upwards towards the opponents’ basket.
Ends when the ball has left the player’s hand(s), or if an entirely new act of shooting is made and, in case of an airborne shooter, both feets have returned to the floor.
FIBA OBRI 33.3. Legal guarding position
A defensive player has established an initial legal guarding position when:
- He is facing his opponent, and
- He has both feet on the floor.
FIBA OBRI 33.6 A player who is in the air
- If a player has taken off and landed but his momentum causes him to contact an opponent who has taken a legal guarding position beyond the landing place, the jumper is responsible for the contact.
Outcome: incorrect decision from the referees. Black 3 has started a shooting attempt, when he jumps forward. The shooting attempt ends after release of the ball. During landing he made a contact with the defender, White 15, who took a legal guarding position. Referees must count Black 3 shot as two points and call an offensive foul after the shot was made. This was the second foul for the Black team foul in a quarter and the game resumes with a throw-in by the White team from the end line.
4. In a fast break situation, BlackRed 9 drives to the basket and makes a shooting attempt, while in motion. After the first step a contact occurs with defender, Yellow 33. Referees call an offensive foul to BlackRed 9 and cancel the basket.
FIBA OBRI 15.1.2. The act of shooting on a shot:
Begins when the player starts, in the judgement of a referee, to move the ball upwards towards the opponents’ basket.
FIBA OBRI 33.3. Legal guarding position
A defensive player has established an initial legal guarding position when:
- He is facing his opponent, and
- He has both feet on the floor.
FIBA OBRI 33.4. Guarding a player who controls the ball
When guarding a player who controls (holding or dribbling) the ball, the elements of time and distance do not apply.
When judging a charge/block situation involving a player with the ball, a referee shall use the following principles:
- When moving to maintain the initial legal guarding position, one foot or both feet may be off the floor for an instant, as long as the movement is lateral or backwards, but not towards the player with the ball.
- Contact must occur on the torso, in which case the defensive player would be considered as having been at the place of contact first.
- Having established a legal guarding position, the defensive player may turn within his cylinder to avoid injury.
In any of the above situations, the contact shall be considered as having been caused by the player with the ball.
Outcome: Correct decision from the referees. BlackRed 9 starts his shooting attempt, while the contact occures with defender, Yellow 33, who took a legal guarding position. The contact was first and after BlackRed 9 released the ball. Basket was canceled and the game resumes with a throw-in by the Yellow team from the side line.
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