The 2022 European North Basketball league`s Final Four will be played on April 6-7 at the Hall of the Champions – Hala Mistrzow – in Wloclawek, Poland.
First option: Facebook Live on demand, price 2,29 euros per game (not available in Poland)
SCHEDULE (local time, GMT+2h)
Wednesday, April 6, semifinals
16:30 Šiauliai/7bet – Basket Brno
19:00 Anwil Wloclawek – Tartu Ulikool Maks&Moorits
Thursday, April 7
16:30 Bronze medal game
19:00 ENBL final
Second option: watch Emocje.TV in Poland, Sport1 in Lithuania and Best4sport TV 2 in Latvia
Bronze medal game: https://emocje.tv/live/1126/przegrany-1-przegrany-2
Follow the ENBL
Website: www.enbleague.eu
Facebook: @ENBLeague
Twitter: @ENBLeague
Instagram: @enbleague